Viewing Groups
Viewing Groups
One of the recurring themes that emerged in the BAFTA 2020 Review is just how challenging it can be to watch as many films as we would all like in a condensed period, which can lead to a relatively small number of very high profile films getting all the attention.
To help ‘level the playing field’ and make sure all films are viewed by enough members to ensure they have been properly considered, this year we are trailing a system of recommended viewing ahead of Round One voting closing on 26 January 2021. As approved following the BAFTA 2020 Review, each voting member has been assigned a group of around 15 films which we recommend you prioritise watching, before casting your votes.
There is no obligation or encouragement to vote for the films in your group, and as always, we urge you to watch as many films as you can from all groups. However, we ask that if your viewing time is limited, that you do focus on watching the 15 films assigned to your group. Films have been randomly distributed across all groups, and members have similarly been assigned a group at random.
This process will mean that all entered films are watched by over four hundred members at a minimum, and we hope that members discover films that they might not otherwise have watched.